
The Girls

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My New Life


The party is over, the guests have gone and now we are back home. My mommy, Chenny went to another state to live with my new daddy Jonathan. I stayed with my grands ma, grands pa and of course my sister Gigi.
I don't know what to do. Should I sat or should I go? If I go my sister Gigi will be sad and I think I will be sad too. If I stay I know I will be sad because my mommy Chenny is not with me. You see only mommy can give me the best "itchy, scratchy" that is when she scratches my back and I start to stretch out because it feel sooooooo good. No one else can reach that spot. But I guess that is what mom's do. They know how to make their babies feel so good

I am thinking what to do? I love both of them, my mommy and my sister, so much. My grands says I should stay because then I will be alone at mommy's new house while mommy and daddy Jonathan goe to work.
I don't know what to do?
Change is hard but change is good too. Oh no what to do?

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